Final Fantasy Hidden Legends Booster Box (Pre-Order Starts 11/01/24))
Expected Release Date
November 15, 2024 (tentative)
Card Count
- Normal: 126 cards
- Premium: 160 cards (of these, 32 are full art cards, 1 is a Special Card and 1 is a Crystal Card)
This new set introduces cards from the highly acclaimed FINAL FANTASY XVI and a new “Priming” mechanic. It also pushes the boundaries of the Limit Break system even further with multi-element Limit Break Cards, offering players endless strategic possibilities.
Collectors can rejoice as we are once again including a very rare autographed card in the form of FINAL FANTASY XVI’s main protagonist Clive [24-005L]. This card will be foil-stamped with the signature of illustrator Kazuya Takahashi, who created the key art used for this set/card.
There is a limit of 2 per customer, this is to ensure we do not over allocate pre-orders. If you would like more than 2, send us a message and we can add additional boxes as our stock allows.